Cute kitty preciously grooming her lil front paw ♥

Cute Kitten GIF • Adorable kitty grooming her little front paw. Cats and kittens are the cleanest pets
“Cats and kittens are the cleanest pets in the world”
“Adorable pink tongue.”
“She looks comfy on her white pillow.”
“I believe I could watch this all day long! Makes me really want a kitten. I have two cats already though.”.
“Holding it's own little paw, awwww! Absolutely stunning little kitten.”
“So cute little ears: I want to bite them.”
“Oh my goodness what a cutie ♥”
”So incredibly cute face, the making muffins while grooming...Squee! I'm dead!”
[Video @sweetheartkittens]
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