“Da Meowfia Boss is spending thursday by his pool...

Amazing Cat GIF • Gorgeous ginger Persian cat living the purrfect life by the pool with his catnip mousie
...licking catnip mousie and drinking tuna-coladas.”
“Livin’ the dream!” ❤️
“Livin' the best life!” 😻
“Livin' the purrfect life!” 👍
“This luxurious cat lives better than us!”
“Let me hug this big fluffy Meowfia Boss.”
“I see that mouse didn’t pay his dues. No mercy!”
“Your orange cloud is so adorable.”
“We are so jealous...This looks like a purrfect day.”
“Omg how fluffy is your amazing Persian cat.”
“Da Meowfia Boss deserves a relaxation day.”
[Video @thezenkitty]
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