Proof No. 10 that working from home with cats 😸 is an impurrssible mission!

Funny Cat GIF • Proof No. 10 that working from home with cats is an impurrssible mission! []
“Yes, because your laptop is my warm bed! Don't touch it, just pet me purrlease...”  😽
“One day, as soon as I try to work on my laptop, my fluffy cat  laid down on it and wouldn't leave. He liked his new 'pillow/bed' so much that he didn't allow anyone to touch it!” 😋
“Haha, no more homework today, the comp is Miiine!” 😸
“Pay attention to me! I'm more important than you homework!” 😼
“The definition of fluffiness & laziness.” 👌
[Video @sweetfurx4]
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