Young ferocious cat attacks a peaceful pigeon but at the end...
...the Pigeon remain purrfectly calm. So it's safe. If it's trying to fly away, the cat will pounce and catch it!.
“Peace and love, war was never an option.” 😍
“Predatory instinct, Level = 0.” 👍
Cat: “It's not fun,dude, you weren't even scared!” 😾
“You're a good kitty, I love you.” 💋 💕
“I thing that poor pigeon needs good glasses, haha!” 😂
“Peace and love, war was never an option.” 😍
“Predatory instinct, Level = 0.” 👍
Cat: “It's not fun,dude, you weren't even scared!” 😾
“You're a good kitty, I love you.” 💋 💕
“I thing that poor pigeon needs good glasses, haha!” 😂