Proof No. 40 that working from home with cats 😸 is an impurrssible mission!

Funny Cat GIF • Proof No. 40 that working from home with cats 😸 is an impurrssible mission! []
Because you don't want to disturb your ginger cat typing infinite ####### hastags on your laptop! 😱
“'Seol', tell me what to use the hashtag?”
“Oh to be a cat resting my chin on the hashtag button of my owner's keyboard and not waiting for an exam to start.” 😺
“Purrfect example of ######## hashtagmania on social media.”
“Encrypted message meaning: purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.” 😸
“Monday morning mood at the office.”😬
“Laptog keyboards? Warm beds for lazy kitties.” 💻
“Samsung cat is exhausted from so much homework, poor kitty.” 😾
“Laptop purring for the car in # (computer language)”
“Hooman, in our worklist # means catnap time.” 😹 💤💤💤
[Video @snow_caaaaat]
   If you are looking for a, some, any PARTiCULAR cat image you will find it/them via our #hashtag list with 1,085 entries 👀 ALPHAbetically sorted.
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