Amazing! A white Alpaca 🦙 is in love 💕 with a white kitty

Funny cat. Amazing! A white Alpaca 🦙 is in love with a white kitty
“He tries so hard to cuddle! Ooh my kitty, you are so sooooft!” 💞
“Cat loves the Alpaca but is like 'OK you're fluffy and soft but you're too heavy for me'.” 🙀
“Lep me pet you, kitty, I know all you ned is love.” 💗❤
“I want to be in the middle of this fluff'wich.” 👧
“Does the alpaca thinks the cat is a mini version of  him?”  😆
“No one can resist burying the face on a sweet kitty.” 💓
“Hmm People keep an Alpaca in their house as a big pe?! 🤣
[Video @解忧牧场]
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