Hilarious 🀣 and πŸ’›CUTE cross-eyed cat is mezmerized by weird human's moves (???)

Hilarious and CUTE cross-eyed cat is mezmerized by his human's moves
“But... what are you trying to do my poor human. Do you need my help?”😼
Haha, cat be like: “You need glasses hooman 🀭 your vision is blurry πŸ˜‚ I'm dizzy seeing you can't thread the needle.”πŸ‘†
“Yep kitty, that's how we look too sometimes in that situation, haha.” πŸ‘ͺ
“He’s really fascinated watching you: 'You fail but it's interesting.'” πŸ‘€
“Those crossed eyes, I'm falling off my chair, LMAO!” 🀣
[Video @小豆子]
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