ViDEO • Aww! Affectionate kitty 🐱 wants to be friends with a deer 😍

My deer friend, pay attention to me! πŸ˜‚ 😻
“Curious and shy kitty extends a friendly paw!” πŸ₯° 🐾♥️
“The most valuable feeling in the world is love and friendship.” Having a good friend is priceless.” πŸΎπŸ˜»πŸ’œ
“This is so precious.” ❤🐈❤🦌❤
“Hey up there, can you see me?!” πŸ˜‚
“Let’s be friends…😻 Adorable!”
“Fawn is cautious of the film maker, moved the body away,, but keeps legs close to kitty. If film maker leaves them alone, they will play πŸΎ together no problem.” πŸ’ž
“Kitty wants a free ride on the deer.” 😸
“How sweet. Kitty asks "Are you real?” πŸ‘€
[Video @gerritubrett]

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