Big orange 🐈 cat knowns how to calm down overexcited kitten, haha 🤣

Funny big orange cat knowns how to calm down overexcited kitten, haha
“Hey presumptuous Kitty, don't mess with Big bro!”  😁
“At the end, Big ginger is like: 'Aaah... what a beautiful sunny 🌞 day it is.'  😂
“Orange cat used his superpower move.” 🤔 😼
“Oh, if parenting were only this easy.” 😖 <=> 👶
“Big Orange: 'Sample, I can't cure you.” 😾
“Hahahaha! Great solution to calm down a naughty kid!” 😂
“Stop it, stop playing, alright, I  got something for your little ass, I just sit here to you calm the F*down.” 😂
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