Meanwhile in China, a giant cat with his baby in a supermeowrket... πŸ‘€

Amazing cat. Meanwhile in China, a giant cat in a supermeowrket...
“Realistic back pack, they are so cute, I need to get one.” 😍
“I thought the hanging cat was real. It's a fursuit.”  πŸ˜‚
“Waaaaauuuu Beautiful.I want this  costume. Maybe I'll find in a cosplay store that has quite realistic fantasy.”πŸ‘ ♥️ 😍
“There are some individual makers who specialize in this type of costumes 😊 look up 'realistic fursuit' and you'll understand what I mean.” πŸ˜‰
“It's not fantasy, our cats are really growing, haha!” 😸
[Video  @ηŒ«ηŒ«ζ•™δΈ»]
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