“C'mon kitty, let's go to the beach with your little sun hat” πŸ’¦ 😺 ☀️

“C'mon cute kitty, let's go to the beach with your little sun hat” 😺☀️
“Gatsby’s adventure retreat in Orlando Florida! Hang out with Gatsby and explore some amazing places...” 😸
“He's the cutest and braver little adventurer ever.”  😻 πŸ’—
The little sun hat is too much .” ☀️ πŸ₯Ή
“Too. Much. Cuteness. Cannot. Take. It.” πŸ’ž
“The best kitten and the best hat.” πŸ’‹
“Don't forget to sunscreen those ears with a good purr-tection!”
“Omg this just made my summer day! Soooo cute!” πŸ₯° ❤️ 😻
“Hmm I can smell fish?. But were the hell are they?” 🐟 🐠 🐈
“Gatsby is so tiny I can’t not be afraid that a wave πŸŒŠ will come and take him away…” 😱
[Video @harrys407]
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