Hilarious videobomb! “Hey, pay attention to me, I'm cuter than the pianist!” 😹

Hilarious videobomb! Kitty checking if video is recording or not?!  videobomb cat cuter than pianist
“Gosh, a Ragdoll cat, she's sooo funny and sooo cute .” πŸ’—πŸ’›πŸ˜»
“The little pink πŸ’— nose and the blue πŸ’™ eyes!.” 🫣
“Don't blame her, Kitty is just checking if camera is recording or not?!” πŸ˜‚
“aww I can’t with the cuteness.” πŸ‘Έ
“The cat was like: hey there! Where you looking at hooman.” πŸ‘€
“When you don't want to film them they get in the way of the camera and when you try to film them they don't want and they go away, hahaha!”  🀣
“Your curiosity is beyond limits my dear.” πŸ˜‹
“How can you not love them? They are so cute and beautiful.” 😍
[Video @ηˆ±θ·³θˆžηš„η³–θ±†ε‘€]
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