Weeeeee! Hilarious cat dives repetitively on his puff seat! 🤣

Weeeeee! Hilarious cat dives repetitively on his puff seat!
The second jump is purrfect!
“Soft crashes, you're doing them right.” 👏
“Cute back legs & ass when he dives.” 🤣 💕
“They say that 258 days after, he's still diving!” 😅
“Me when I get home from my office.” 👨
“Me when I get home from school.” 👧
“Me when I get home from University.” 👱‍♀️
“Me (Sunday) when I get home from Church.” ⛪
“Me when I get home after a very long week.”
“When you find your way to bed after finishing hard homework.” 👍
“Home Practice for show in stage.” 😂
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