Never underestimate a cat’s mental capacity πŸ’‘ They can easily open our cabinets! πŸ’ͺ

Never underestimate a cat’s mental capacity 😻 They can easily open our cabinets!😻
Smart kitty! πŸ‘ Well done! Next, the Rubik's cube.” 🀣
“Must be something of importance to the cat inside that cupboard.” πŸ˜‚
“After working that one out, he deserves the treats!” πŸ‘ 🐾
“Right Meow, all treats are mine ! 😹
“You can’t fool cats in any way.  They’re so smart that they can get around any kind of thing that’s supposed to impede their mischief.” πŸ₯° ❤️
“What 'bastards' 🀣 ironically, let's be clear...”
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