“Beloved human Mom, I bring you a beautiful 🌹 rose, you deserve it because you're so nice to me.” πŸ’ž

“Beloved human Mom, I bring you a beautiful rose, you deserve it because you're so nice to me.”
“A rose 🌹 in the snow, it is a sweet πŸ’ idea, you're a very good boy.”
“This amazing and polite kitty comes from a World we may not understand.” πŸ’‹
“True Love in public. When you don’t care what others are saying.” 😻
“Without cute and loving cats, the Internet is sad, annoying and depressive.” πŸ’
“Cutest kitty ever, blacks cat bring happiness.” πŸ’— 🐈‍⬛
   If you are looking for a, some, any PARTiCULAR cat image you will find it/them via our #hashtag list with 1,085 entries πŸ‘€ ALPHAbetically sorted.
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