“Service please! πŸ›Ž Come on Human, share your delicious food with me.” 😻

''ervice please! Come on Human, share your delicious food with me 😻''
“Your cat is clever. Give her/him some reward meal.” 😻 πŸ’›
“Kitty used his paws to bring the bell over, then hit that with his chin. Diabolical!” πŸ˜† 😸
“Yep, he doesn't use his paw for that... but 'tenderly' rings...” πŸ˜‚
“Such a distinguished gentleman. That was amazingly polite.” 🐈
“Hey, you are not generous with the portion, give him more, he deserves it.” πŸ‘
“Kitty couldn’t get his bell moved fast enough!” 😺
“So well behaved. Mine would stand upright and reaching for me or directly try to jump on the table.” πŸ˜‚
“I would have to hide that bell from my cats, he is such a chow hound, I’d hear that bell 24/7.” πŸ˜•
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